Hi Kevin, for long-haul COVID, did you do anything besides the ascorbic acid powder?

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Yes indeed. I had a pretty extensive protocol that I believe is totally responsible for lifting me out of it. In my case I had heart palps, brain fog, fatigue and breathing issues and headaches for over a year. I’m going to post a lot about my COVID protocol and research in future newsletters. Helping people find answers to long Covid is one of the reasons why I wanted to start this newsletter in the first place.

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Great! Soon?? Please! I am desperate

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Well my writing goes slower than I would like I’m afraid to say. It will take some time to really flesh it all out. However I do offer private nutritional consultations. May I dm you ?

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In spite of regular supplementation (500mg x 3 or 4 a day) I tested in the past low on Vit C. I get IV's weekly for b12, b complex, GSH sometimes NAD. (Im mthfr++1298C. Tend to anemia esp post C-V. She doesn't always put in C strangely thus I make sure I supplemnt. Do you have any clue why. I haven't gotten to read the entire article yet. I apologize if the info is in there. I just find it v. strange that I blow thru C like this. TYVM, A LONG TIME avid follower .

Oh another thing, I ended up with pseudogout when I was doing a C and Niacin trial. Thus I'm really careful. IV doesn't bother me but shes not usings grams. TIA Cee Cee

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Hello ceecee and thanks for the great question. I think that the issue is your immune system is blowing through the vitamin C very quickly. I do recommend reading the whole post as it talks a lot about how our vitamin C is quickly depleted by our white blood cells when we are fighting off an infection, such as long-haul Covid. in my own particular case I’ve had to almost double the amount of vitamin C I take and take over 20 g a day every day since having Covid it is very common to test low in vitamin C on a blood test as it has a very short half-life, and we excrete it pretty quickly. While getting it intravenously is excellent, I actually think it’s more important to take many divided doses throughout the day every day to keep the blood level constant. Read my next post on taking vitamin C for beginners. It has detailed instructions on how to orally dose vitamin C. :)

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I’ve been given a tub of Vitamin C powder, 2000mg. Instructions suggest 2g per day.

Any thoughts on dosage? I’m tempted to at least double.

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Hello Alan! What I suggest to everyone just starting out on vit C is to take 1 gram (ie, 1/4 tsp) timed with a meal and see how your stomach handles it. If that goes well , meaning no diarrhea, then I would take 1 gram with each meal, and one more before bedtime. Most clients feel noticeably better on 4 grams per day. Its important to spread the doses out like this, as C leaves the bloodstream in about 2 hours. you can dilute it in as much water as you want, which will help with the sourness. Best of luck and please report back how it goes!

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Thankyou! Very helpful, and for some friends whose health isn't good. I've been researching coQ10 recently for my dad who was on statins (which apparently deplete it), so good to know - thanks for the link. Much appreciated 🙏🏼

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Statins deplete coq10 for sure. If he has leg or arm pain that’s a good indicator. Luckily it’s very simple to supplement.

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Really interesting, thankyou! I had M.E in my 20s, and the naturopath I saw put me on vitamins and high(ish) doses of vitamin C. I hadn't a clue about nutrients then, so didn't really think to ask his reasoning. What do you consider a good daily maintenance dose, and what type of C do you recommend? I manage about 1g at the moment.

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Check this out about coq10 deficiency in ME/CFS and see my other reply for dosing on coq10 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20010505/

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Well a maintenance does is highly individual of course, but I notice with most of my clients that they start feeling better at 4 grams per day. If you can manage 1 gram, I would suggest taking 1 gram every 4 hours, with food. Food will slow down the absorption and allow your gut to handle a high dose of vit C. Also, I would ramp up to this, and for the first day try 2 grams perhaps 8 hours apart. ME/CFS probably will take a very high dose which is what the naturopath was on too, one thing I didn't mention at all in my post was that vitamin C can ALSO donate its electrons to the electron transport chain (which is how our mitochondria make atp which is the source of cellular energy) so that's probably why it helps people with ME/CFS. I would also recommend 200 mg of coq10, in 2 100mg doses taken 4 hours a part. As for type of C, i recommend ascorbic acid from any decent brand such as NOW, Solaray, Source naturals, Bronson, nature's way, etc. I personally do a powder and make a drink out of it, but most people should start with tablets or capsules.

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